A lazy employee?

Is a lazy employee an unmotivated employee? In theory, it may seem so. A lack of motivation can result in a reluctance to perform one's duties or lower efficiency. An employee who is lazy, on the other hand, may often be late, make long visits to the office kitchen or get into discussions with other team members. It also happens that such an employee often goes on sick leave. In itself, this still does not mean anything bad, but it may raise suspicions that the person is avoiding performing their duties.

Even if an employee has indeed become lazy, this does not necessarily mean that it is impossible to encourage them to work. Most often, a lazy employee is an employee who is bored, tired or stressed. If you can figure out what the problem is in a particular case, it will be easier to solve it. You may find that a person considered lazy after work thrives in courses on a training platform, such as the Webinar Universe platform. The difference is that these courses reflect the employee's interests, while the position they occupy does not really always do that.

Unwillingness to work ...

The reasons for lack of motivation to work are many. The most common is exhaustion. If an employee hasn't used vacations for a long time or hasn't been on an extended vacation, and there are more and more responsibilities, it's hard to expect them to gush about their work. The situation is also not improved by high stress, which is sometimes difficult to avoid at work.

Employees lose motivation when they are no longer satisfied with the position they hold or the responsibilities they deal with on a daily basis. Perhaps the person is working below their qualifications and skills, and this leaves them with no desire to perform? Often it turns out that the employee does not use their talents in their position, and this is a direct route to frustration and discouragement. Perhaps it's worth suggesting to them the idea of expanding their skills with an online course, implemented by platforms such as Webinar Universe? Reviews of e-learning are positive, and modules can be worked on at any time, which has many advantages. Not insignificant for the well-being of employees is the atmosphere in the office. If it is pleasant, everyone regards each other with respect, one performs one's tasks better. If, on the other hand, there are rumors in the company and the boss does not care about good contact with their subordinates, it is unlikely that the team will enjoy coming to work.

What can the boss do to change the situation and motivate their employees? The best solution is to use appropriate methods of motivation. First, however, it is worth asking the team what they would like to change, what improvements they would like to make to make everyone's work more pleasant. The key to success is to know the reason why employees are not motivated enough to work. This will make it possible to remove it. However, this is not a simple task.


How to get motivated - make the workplace friendly

A friendly workplace introduces an atmosphere that fosters motivation, and also has a positive effect on the mood of employees. How to take care of this? One important issue is good communication. And it's not just about exchanging emails. Daily conversations with employees are important. To this end, it's a good idea to accompany the team on their lunch break or join them during work. It's important to not just be the boss during this time, but part of the team. A friendly place to work is also one that meets the needs of employees. So it's about physiological needs, such as access to a restroom or kitchen, but also about providing adequate lighting for work, functioning equipment or comfortable chairs.

How to get motivated - use Activity Based Working

The concept of Activity Based Working is to focus on the employee and their needs. According to it, an office should offer many types of spaces that suit different needs. This makes it a tool for effective management of a diverse team, which is also influenced by utilizing the full potential of team members and mobile communication capabilities. The office should be designed to take into account the specifics of employees' work.

How to get motivated - adequate rewards

The reward system does an excellent job of motivating - both yourself and team members. It is worthwhile to set a reward for completing a project by the deadline. This will mobilize employees to engage in the task, plus the vision of a reward for the effort put into it will encourage reliable work. How to motivate yourself - bet on employee development An employee whose potential is not used is an employee who lacks motivation and willingness to act. So it is worth giving such a person a chance to develop their skills and go further. Courses, training, a developed career path and a plan for promotion - all this will positively influence commitment to work.


How to motivate yourself - take care of your attitude

Taking care of a properly arranged office or development opportunities for employees are important issues affecting the motivation of the team. The attitude of the boss is also important. It strongly influences the atmosphere in the office and can make a difference when working on an important project. The approach to the team will vary from industry to industry, but it is good if it is pro-people in any case. Employees should feel that they can come forward with a problem, but also a new idea to the boss, who will listen to them and take their opinion into account. Lack of motivation to work is not unheard of. Everyone has a worse day and lower than usual productivity. However, if this lack of motivation lasts longer, it is worth considering how to arouse the team's desire for action.