
  • Get to know the analysis of the currency - US dollar


    The US dollar (USD) is one of the most important currencies in the world, playing the role of a global reserve currency. Its exchange rate against other currencies is crucial for international financial markets, trade, as well as the economic policy of individual countries. The dollar is also used as the main currency in international foreign exchange reserves, further highlighting its global importance. Its dominance in the financial markets means that changes in its exchange rate are closely watched by governments, central banks, investors and analysts around the world.

  • Get to know the analysis of a given currency - euro


    Analysis of the exchange rate, especially the euro to zloty (EUR/PLN) currency pair, is essential for investors and entrepreneurs involved in international trade and for private individuals planning currency exchange transactions. The market conditions that affect the euro exchange rate are complex and can include political, economic and speculation in financial markets. Understanding these aspects is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

  • Investment funds – what you need to know


    Mutual funds are one of the safest financial instruments. Mainly due to their legal structure. This is because they are entities independent of TFIs, and in the event of the Company's bankruptcy, the funds accumulated in them are excluded from the bankruptcy estate. Security is also guaranteed by strict supervision and the fact that the fund's assets are stored in the account of the depositary, which is the bank. And who supervises the correctness of the operations carried out and compliance with the provisions of the statute.

  • Investment funds – another criterion of the type


    Investments in funds are undoubtedly one of the most attractive forms of capital multiplication. However, choosing a partner to choose a fund is not an easy decision. Mainly due to the fact that it has a huge impact on the future profitability of the investment.

  • Investment funds – other type criterion


    Having a sufficiently high "financial cushion" is the basis of financial security of every person. However, building savings alone in the face of galloping inflation and economic changes may not be enough. The means to build financial security is undoubtedly the decision to multiply the accumulated capital. However, investing on your own is an art that requires extensive knowledge, practice and "nerves of iron". Therefore, it is worth considering the possibility of multiplying capital in the collective investment system, i.e. investment funds.

  • Investment funds – types of funds


    Mutual funds are one of the most attractive forms of investment, available even to people with regular, but small financial surpluses. Depending on the type of fund, the funds paid by investors are invested in shares, securities, real estate, natural resources, commodities and other financial instruments. Due to the different types of funds, one of the most important decisions facing an investor is which fund to choose. It should be selected primarily on the basis of the degree of investment risk acceptable to the investor, as well as due to the nature of the participation. This is related to the distribution of funds determined by the conditions of participation contained in the fund's statutes.

  • Mutual funds – what you need to know


    The basis for multiplying wealth is, of course, investing. It consists in managing capital in a way that allows for a systematic increase in its value over a certain period of time. Choosing the form of investment is not an easy task, especially in terms of the ratio of profit to investment risk. So, what are mutual funds?

  • Technical analysis – how to use it?


    Technical analysis is a commonly used method of evaluating historical data related to price trends and volume. It makes it possible to predict the future behaviour of financial instruments. One of its main slogans is "history likes to repeat itself". It is used for any asset class, in short-term and long-term strategies. The basic tools used in technical analysis are charts, line, bar, and candlestick charts on various time frames. They make it possible to identify trends that have occurred in the price of a particular asset in the past. By enriching chart analysis with correctly selected indicators and the ability to define their signals, you can make it easier to make investment decisions.

  • Technical Analysis and Its Charts


    Technical analysis is one of the two basic tools used to assess the market situation and make investment decisions. To put it simply, analysis is the study of market behavior primarily through charts. This makes it easier to predict the direction of future price movements based on their historical levels. The main elements of the analysis are chart analysis, recognizing chart patterns, trend indicators, and Forex oscillators, while additional elements include momentum, market strength and volatility indicators, as well as support and resistance levels.