Emotional intelligence and its importance in life

Webinar duration
111 min

Available in
6 languages

Last updated
1 one week ago

Average score
4.3 / 5
Price - €59
Emotional intelligence is often discussed in opposition to rational intelligence. However, not many people know that the ability to make use of the resources of both types of intelligence is most desirable for better relationships with people, both at work and at home. The emotional intelligence responsible for feelings (empathy) perfectly complements the rational intelligence based mainly on logical arguments. If you want to learn how your body is affected by emotions, and if you want to develop your own emotional intelligence – this webinar is for you.
Receive access to a webinar where you will learn:
- what qualities distinguish those of considerable emotional intelligence
- how your life is affected by emotional intelligence
- how emotional intelligence can help you build interpersonal relationships
- discover the sources of positive and bad feelings
- how to make rational decisions based on emotions
Why are some people better at naming feelings?
Emotionally mature people possess an uncommon ability to name the emotions they are feeling at any given time. Regardless of whether it is anger, hatred, joy or contentment. Their emotional intelligence helps them a lot in this process because it allows them to be more aware of their feelings. Such people have a very strong connection between their mind and the so-called emotional internal life.

Why is emotional intelligence helpful in interpersonal relationships?
People with well-developed emotional intelligence are excellent at reading other people's feelings. They are able to accurately recognise their emotional states, so they inspire more trust. Other people value them as friends because they know they can confide in them and count on their understanding. By deeply feeling other people's emotions, people with emotional intelligence do not attempt to make rash judgments and criticisms.
Can emotional intelligence be learned?
Emotional intelligence is not an innate trait. This means that it can be practised and developed throughout our life. So we are free to dedicate ourselves to developing our qualities of empathy and compassion towards others. This is good news for those who are unable to easily relate and make friends with other people.

What does it take to develop our emotional intelligence?
Developing emotional intelligence takes a lot of work. First of all, start by gaining the ability to name individual feelings. This is the kind of work anyone can do, i.e. naming the emotions that accompany us every day. Both the positive and the negative. It is also helpful to learn to recognise what situations/actions these feelings arise from and how we respond to them.
Does emotional intelligence affect our body?
Emotional intelligence can affect our body because emotions create different effects also when it comes to physical aspects. For example, fear makes our arms and legs tremble, while joy puts a smile on our faces. Because we also experience feelings physically, it is easier for us to notice them.

Receive access to the webinar to enjoy its benefits:

you will learn how emotional intelligence affects rational intelligence

you will learn how to use emotional intelligence in practice

you will start to solve conflicts skilfully

you will become more empathetic

you will learn to manage your emotions and use them in practice
Check out what other people are saying about the webinar:

I started working on my emotional intelligence and found that after a few weeks, I was getting along better with my colleagues. I also understand their needs better, so we can agree on solutions to all issues which need addressing.

I used to think I could solve any issue by shouting. I now know that controlling my emotions and trying to understand my wife brings much better results.

After watching this webinar, I understood the importance of our emotions and recognising them correctly. And before that, I often found myself not getting along with my family because we misunderstood each other.
Discover emotional intelligence and its potential to influence interpersonal relationships.

Webinar duration
111 min

Available in
6 languages

Last updated
1 one week ago

Average score
4.3 / 5