NFT - investment of the future or a fad?

Webinar duration
120 min

Available in
6 languages

Last updated
1 one week ago

Average score
4.5 / 5
Price- €127



NFT (non-fungible token) can take many forms.
It can be JPG photo, GIF, movie, text file. However, it must have a digital record, which is a certificate that the file exists in only one copy. Have you thought about investing in NFT? The key to success is finding a successful project. The popular ones are often expensive, so it's worth looking for something aspiring for the future. You don't know how to do it? Our webinar will help you gain this knowledge.
Receive access to the webinar, thanks to which you will learn:
- What is NFT and how does it work
- Who Can Invest in NFT
- What you need to know before investing in NFT for the first time
- Which project to choose to bring the most profit
- How to protect yourself from scammers and not be cheated when investing
Is NFT a cryptocurrency?
The only thing that connects cryptocurrencies and NFT tokens is blockchain technology. This is where the similarities between NFT and cryptocurrencies end. Because although the terms token and cryptocurrency are often used interchangeably, they mean something else. Cryptocurrency is a mean of value exchange. In turn, the token (in this case NFT) can be exchanged for cryptocurrencies and only then used to carry out transactions in various networks. Cryptocurrencies are exchangeable (tradable and exchangeable for money), and they have the same value. In turn, the NFT tokens are different, their value is not the same.

How to invest in NFT?
Fundamental thing in selecting and buying an NFT should be paying close attention to the trustworthiness of the token. Is it from a verified creator or collection? As with all online transactions, you should take care of the security of your digital payments and use proven websites for NFT payments.
Is investing in NFT profitable?
NFT is an opportunity mainly for artists. Platforms such as OpenSea have become auction houses for them. Their virtual works of art reach staggering sums similar to those from real art auctions. In 2021 alone, the NFT market was worth $ 41 billion. New NFTs entering the market can appreciate in a very short time, delivering huge returns for investors. Prices are still soaring. Continuous demand will shape the price.

Is NFT an investment of the future?
Short-term investing in tokens does not have to be profitable, but in the long term the situation changes. When it comes to NFT prices, it all depends. Some NFT tokens reach astronomical prices, and this is mainly due to their collector's value. The consensus of a collector's non-exchangeable token is built by: the market, brand and their rarity.
Where to buy NFT?
The purchase of an NFT token is possible for virtually anyone interested - cryptocurrency exchanges are used for this, as well as platforms prepared for trading such tokens. You can easily find such places on the web. There are works of art, internet domains, trading cards and even goods from the world of sports. Even less experienced users should be able to handle the operation.

Receive access to the webinar to benefit of its advantages:

Gain proven knowledge of NFT tokens

Find out how to easily make your first investment in NFT

Explore the world of modern investments and their importance in the present world

Learn how to properly use the purchased tokens

Be more alert to hacker attacks, scam and other fraud attempts
Check what other people say about the webinar:

The webinar provided me with all the information I needed to start my adventure with the NFT. Thanks to it, I feel more competent in the subject and I do not get lost in the maze of news on this topic.

Finally, I can talk to my friends who are constantly chatting about cryptocurrencies, NFT and other news from the world of finance and technology. Woah! Not only do I not feel excluded, but I also began to explore these topics myself, because they seem very interesting.

I recommend this webinar to all those who want to learn about investing and NFT, which is so fashionable nowadays. Here you have an easy-to-understand explanation of how it all works and much more.
Start following the path of new technologies now. This is the best chance for you not to miss the benefits of investing in NFT.

Webinar duration
120 min

Available in
6 languages

Last updated
1 one week ago

Average score
4.5 / 5


