
  • Online campaigns – influencer help


    The modern world of advertising is constantly changing and developing. Today, it is not only graphic content on the web, but also influencers who are more and more important for promotion and recommendation of products and services on their channels. In the article, we will focus on the key aspect of such promotional campaigns – the right selection of influencers for the product and check how to achieve optimal results in influencer marketing. Valuable cooperation with creators on the web not only increases the chances of reaching the desired group of recipients, but also builds an authentic brand image, which is becoming increasingly important.

  • Web Campaign - Ads Manager


    Is there a simple tool that allows you to reach the right people and effectively build brand recognition? It turns out that yes, there is. The use of this program in online and social media campaigns is a key element of effective advertising campaigns today. It allows you to precisely reach a specific group of recipients, create attractive content and analyze campaign results.In the following article we will look at its secrets, and more specifically, check how the ad manager works.

  • Online campaigns – trials and tests


    The advertising ecosystem is constantly evolving. Currently, online advertising campaigns are a key pillar of effective marketing. A properly prepared campaign can encourage potential customers to perform an action, which leads to increased profits and strengthening the brand image. However, the first attempt is not always successful. That is why it is worth monitoring the campaign, measuring its effects and testing various options. What should one know about budget selection, performance analysis and strategy?

  • Online campaigns – advertising objective


    Advertising campaigns on the Internet are an important element of the marketing strategy of any company. The virtual world gives a wide range of opportunities to reach potential customers, build relationships and achieve specific business goals. However, effective actions require not only creativity, but also understanding the different goals of the campaign, such as building brand recognition, increasing website traffic, generating conversions or obtaining contact details. What exactly are they and how to choose the right one?

  • Internet campaign – slogans and content


    The role of the advertising slogan is extremely important. It is a short, catchy form of communication that has the ability to arouse emotions, easily become memorable and influence consumer choices. Let's check why a good slogan is so important, how it works on the psychology of the recipient and how to choose it properly to achieve the best effect of an online campaign.

  • Online campaigns – photos and graphics


    In times of popularity of online advertising, the effectiveness of campaigns depends largely on the role that graphics play. Currently, recipients are becoming more demanding and at the same time resistant to traditional forms of advertising, which is why the power of visual communication is growing. Whether graphics actually play a key role seems to be the overarching topic in the field of online marketing.

  • Online campaigns – targeting


    Today, advertising reaches the recipient mainly via the Internet. One thing is certain: skillful targeting and matching the message to the recipients plays a key role here. Online advertising campaigns are a powerful tool that allows you to reach specific groups of people. Let's check what are the key aspects of targeting in online advertising and how to use knowledge about target groups to create personalized and effective campaigns.

  • Campaign on the Internet – what messengers give


    Instant messaging allows you to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, and opens up new opportunities for businesses in the area of promotion and marketing. Ads have appeared in applications of this type recently and are still a novelty. Let's check what tools and forms are available, whether they are effective in building relationships with customers and how to balance the need for promotion with respecting the privacy of users. Can ads in Messenger or WhatsApp be a valuable support for business, or are they a challenge in maintaining positive interaction in the virtual world of communication?

  • Campaign on the Internet – what classic social media give


    Advertising plays a key role in building the success of companies and brands. Social media, due to their growing popularity, have become an inseparable tool in advertising strategies. Facebook, Instagram and YouTube stand out among the available platforms and give marketers many opportunities. Each of them offers unique tools, formats and strategies, which allows a marketer to effectively reach the desired audience. Let's take a closer look at what options these three platforms offer. Let's also check how social media are changing the face of advertising and what benefits they bring to both advertisers and users of these platforms.