
  • Content marketing - running Spotify and Tidal


    It used to be that almost everyone carried music players with them. Walkmans, discmans or mp3s accompanied many people in their daily lives, on the way to work or school. Over time, these devices were replaced by one thing - the smartphone. And in it many applications that allow you to listen to music at any time. It's not just YouTube anymore. Popular apps include Spotify and Tidal, which offer the ability to listen to songs without access to the network. These apps also increasingly feature original content, such as podcasts and audios. Want to learn more about modern media? Check out the offerings of the educational platform of your choice, such as the Webinar Universe platform. There you will find a lot of useful content and expand your knowledge.

  • Content marketing - blogging


    Marketing is not just the creation of advertising slogans or campaign strategies to encourage customers to use a particular company's services or purchase a product. In fact, it's a complex concept that encapsulates just the aforementioned slogans and campaigns, but on the other hand it also includes content in the broadest sense. Content marketing is focused on building relationships with customers, gaining their trust and loyalty. Various types of content are helpful in this, from graphics, videos to classic blog posts. Because yes, blogs are still going strong and serve a much more important function in marketing strategy than you might think.

  • Get motivated - how to get motivated for life


    Sometimes in everyone's life there comes a moment when it is difficult to get motivated to change. The current situation weighs down, the job does not suit, the place of residence is not the one dreamed of, but there is a lack of strength to do something about it. There is no motivation. Is it possible to overcome this weakness and mobilize to arrange life in a different way?

  • Get motivated - how to motivate yourself to work


    Lack of motivation to work happens to everyone. There is a problem with completing even non-difficult tasks that should normally take a few hours, but end up being stretched to a whole day. It is difficult to start the activity, and then - it is easy to get distracted. Plus fatigue, discouragement and problems with concentration. Is it possible to fight this? How to find the motivation to work?

  • Get motivated - how to motivate yourself to exercise


    "I'll start in the new year." "I'll start tomorrow." "I'll start on Monday." These are some of the most popular promises we make to ourselves when we want to change something in our lives. Most often, they involve starting to exercise in order to lose excess pounds. It's common knowledge that the hardest thing to do is getting started, we tend to put off training, coming up with all sorts of excuses. Sometimes it's hard to motivate ourselves, but there are ways to finally get up off the couch and make a habit of exercising regularly. The same goes for any other habit, such as courses on an educational platform such as Webinar Universe.

  • Get motivated - how to motivate employees


    A reliably working team is the key - without it, even the best-planned project can end in failure. A good employee is a motivated employee, but motivating subordinates is a problematic issue and not at all easy. In order to encourage the team to act, it is worth reaching for proven methods of motivation, which will help not only to work more efficiently, but also to encourage participation in training courses on an educational platform or organized by the company.

  • Content marketing - running linedin


    LinkedIn is a social media platform aimed at professionals. It allows you to network and build a professional portfolio, but also to look for a new job. Professionals who have been in business for decades use LinkedIn, as do recent college graduates. Employers and recruiters who are looking for job candidates also use it.

  • Content marketing - running a tiktok


    What is TikTok, how does it work, is it worth your time and finally: can you use it for marketing? Today we'll answer all the questions you might have about TikTok.

  • Content marketing - running YouTube


    YouTube started in early 2005 and quickly gained popularity. Every minute, people from all over the world upload over 300 hours of video content to YouTube. How do you stand out on YouTube and is it a good platform to promote your brand?